Soul Coaching & Guidance Sessions

2021: The shift towards hope, healing and humanitarianism. You are here to help the world shift.
General soul coaching sessions:
Are you struggling with life?
Are you stuck, depressed, suffering, lonely, lost, confused etc?
Are you battling with the same issues time and again, that seem to present themselves again and again throughout your life?
Have you suffered trauma that has caused you repeated problems that you're struggling to resolve?
Are you opening up spiritually and seeking to deepen your understanding?
Do you have deep, esoteric, etheric questions that can't be answered by conventional means?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then my soul coaching could be for you.
The coaching sessions combine many of my offerings and modalities. Each session is tailored to your individual needs. Much of the work will involve diving deep into the song and coding of your soul, and as with most of my work, this will include helping you access and work with your feelings. In safe space, working with our feels is fundamental for healing and growth. This kind of work always brings healing and change, and though it can be daunting at first, clients nearly always find the rewards of this work appear quickly.
Choosing a soul focused coaching session is a commitment and dedication to yourself, to dive deep into the core of who you are, with me as your guide and support, while we tend your garden, pull the weeds, and let your flowers grow.
Guidance coaching sessions:
Are you feeling the call to do much more with your life?
Do you feel that you came here to do something important, something magical, something that lights you up and where you feel super passionate and inspired?
Are you feeling stifled or undervalued in your current work or activities?
Are you feeling close to the point of taking steps in new directions towards the life that you were ultimately meant to live?
If your answer is yes to these questions, then the soul alignment sessions could be for you.
Each of us comes to this planet for lots of reasons. Some are specific and like milestones, whereas other aspects are more optional.
You are probably reading this because you have been hearing your soul gently calling you for a while, and you're seeking the right ways to make those steps closer to what you are hearing and feeling.
One of the secrets to doing this, is in learning how to make the changes on the inside, where your heart, right-minded thinking and inspiration (in-spirit) lead the way, rather than the process being completely logical and left-brained.
Another is the use of 'Life Mapping', where we journey together through the many aspects of your psyche to understand how important each area of life is for you. Everyone is different and especially so in terms of the various components of their life. When working with this modality, understanding what you truly need and where you are currently, creates the bridge for change.
We need our logical mind and our ego, of course we do! But, they often trip us up before we get going at all, and so learning how to create a healthy balance is important.
In the coaching sessions, the approach is first to help you tune in to what your soul is saying about you, your gifts, what you're really passionate about and you know is important to do during this lifetime. Once we've got this clear, you then have the option to work on moving through and dissolving everything that is in the way / has been holding you back. Some of this work we do together, some you do in your own time. It is a commitment and dedication to yourself and to your soul. When you invest in yourself and in your soul, life responds in divine timing.
Let's get down into the depths of your soul, your gold awaits!
Use the contact page for any questions prior to booking.