Soul Reading & Healing Pathway
Do you experience repeating patterns and experiences in your life?
Do you wonder why the same or similar issue or problem keeps presenting itself again and again?
Have you sought out different methods of self-help or healing, but still feel stuck in the same situation externally or feeling internally?
If so, the Soul Reading and Healing pathway could be for you.
I read your soul and go straight to the root of your presenting issues, problems, trauma and discomfort. I also show you your soul's potential in this lifetime and guide you to modalities and offerings that will best serve your soul and also save you time in reaching these potentials.
The channels for this work include the access and use of:
Akashic Record Reading (past, present and future incarnations)
Chakra Reading (primary energy centers of the body)
Star and Non-corporeal Influence Reading
As a pathway, beyond the first session, we journey more deeply into your soul's many lifetimes and then bring you to further healing of these, in guiding you to meet, witness, understand, own and resolve these aspects of yourself.
It is a continued and developed meeting of you, by you and for you that goes to the very core of your being to effect transformation and change. A true meeting of the self for healing and resolution, approached from many perspectives, time-streams and aspects of your multidimensional self.
The goal of these sessions is to release and enlighten you as a result of clearing the energy threads and holds from many lifetimes that have been influencing and holding you in certain patterns within your current lifetime. The result is absolutely the enabling of a lighter and freer you, with a greatly increased experience of self-love, peace, balance, contentment, passion and fulfillment in your daily life.