Energy Healing & Soul Reading Sessions
Do you experience repeating patterns and experiences in your life?
Do you wonder why the same or similar issue or problem keeps presenting itself again and again?
Have you sought out different methods of self-help or healing, but still feel stuck in the same situation externally or feeling internally?
If so, these sessions could be for you.
In the session, I read your soul and go straight to the root of your presenting issues, problems, trauma and discomfort.
I show you the strongest presenting energy holds and blocks, and then bring you to the healing of these, in guiding you to meet, witness, understand, own and resolve these aspects of yourself.
It is a meeting of you, by you and for you that goes to the very core of your being to effect transformation and change. A true meeting of the self for healing and resolution.
Most of the time, it is not a glamorous process and requires a level of determination to get into the depths of one's self, and face those darker parts which are often well hidden. It's cathartic and a level of effort for sure, but I can promise, it IS worth it.
The channels for this work include the access and use of:
Energy healing methods including Reiki and Theta
Psychic Surgery
Inner Child Access and Dialogue
Akashic Record Reading (past, present and future incarnations)
Chakra Reading (primary energy centers of the body)
Star and Non-corporeal Influence Reading
Additional channels are accessed and used as needed. Each session is individual and exclusive to each person.
As the holds and blocks are released and dissolved via this process, you can finally start to move forward with your life.
This isn't a completion or a fix or the end of your phase of healing, but it is a promise to take you into parts of yourself you may never have got at before, to undertake healing and growth that will clear the path for new spaces, energies and blessings in your life.